1. French onion soup from L’Gueuleton
Find them on Fade Street.
2. Or from De Villes of Dalkey
They’re on Castle Street.
3. Fruit tart from Bakelicious French bakery in Shankill
They’re at BBQ Centre, Old Bray Road.
Or maybe a croquembouche?
4. Goats cheese sandwich from LaCocotte at the Alliance Francaise
They’re on Kildare Street.
5. Crispy Crubeens from Le Bon Crubeen on Talbot Street
Irish with a French twist. Find them here.
6. Croque Monsieur from Chex Max
Find them on Palace Street or Baggot Street.
7. French biscuits from Chez Max Epicerie
They’re also on Baggot Street.
8. Côte deboeuf at La Maison
Try this stunning meal for two on Castlemarket Street.
9. Brioche Parisienne from Emer’s Kitchen
Emer and co are on Leeson Street.