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Frog photobombs NASA rocket lift-off

The unlucky amphibian was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

AN UNFORTUNATE FROG has photobombed the launch of a NASA rocket as it was blasted into space.

The frog was captured by a NASA camera especially set up for the launch of the LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere Dust Environment Explorer) spacecraft in Virginia last Friday.

Doubters, it’s real, with NASA confirming:

A still camera on a sound trigger captured this intriguing photo of an airborne frog as NASA’s LADEE spacecraft lifts off from Pad 0B at Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The photo team confirms the frog is real and was captured in a single frame by one of the remote cameras used to photograph the launch.

frog Source: NASA Wallops Flight Facility/Chris Perry

According to Universe Today, the frog may have ended up on the launchpad as the Wallops/Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport has a high water deluge system, or a ‘pool’, that activates during launches to suppress noise and protect against damage.

The LADEE successfully took off on it’s 30-day journey to the moon, where it will collect information about the lunar atmosphere for NASA scientists.

As for the frog? It’s not looking so good, with NASA saying

The condition of the frog, however, is uncertain.

Godspeed frogger.

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