HE MAY NOT have liked Disney’s hit animation Frozen, but it’s clear who’s the cold-hearted one in this relationship.
A man has claimed that his wife asked for a divorce after he told her Frozen was “only OK”.
The Guardian reports that the man posted his problem on a Japanese marriage advice forum, ominously named The Gravesite of Married People.
He said his wife had become obsessed with the film after a friend introduced her to it.
She went to see it at the cinema numerous times – he accompanied her once, after which he said he thought the film was “only OK” and that he “didn’t really care for it personally.”
At this point, his wife said:
If you can’t understand what makes this movie great, there’s something wrong with you as a human being!
She then requested a divorce.
The man insists there were no pre-existing issues in their marriage, but the woman will now only speak to him through their respective parents.
Dunno guys, it sounds like she should just…