FROZEN IS ONE of the most popular films of recent times, beloved by little boys and girls alike.
So leave it to Fox News to rain on everyone’s parade and hypothesise that the film is actually hurtful to males.
On this morning’s edition of Fox & Friends, Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America appeared on the show and said that films like Frozen often depict men as being “superfluous” and “stupid”.
The question for us as Moms is when we bring our daughters to see Frozen or whatever the movie is, we often have our little boy sitting there and is this message helpful? We want them to know they’re essential.
Nance then said that films that empower women shouldn’t also “tear down men”.
We want to encourage masculinity and not villainise masculinity.
Host Steve Doocy then ended the segment by saying that it would be “nice” for Hollywood to feature more male heroes in their films.
Because if there’s anything lacking in Hollywood, it’s male heroes.