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13 hilarious tweets that sum up all your feelings about Adele


OVER THE PAST few weeks, the world has come down with a case of Adele mania.

Yes, Adele has been breaking records, charming the pants off us and making us feel feelings we never knew we had.

It’s been a rollercoaster.

1. For one thing, people are still bowled over by the fact that she’s only 27

adele AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

But she’s so wise and talented and successful! Way to make us feel like low achievers, Adele.

2. And impressed at her ability to make us think of alllll our exes

Every last one of them.


3. People are eagerly awaiting her eyeliner tutorial

4. But seriously, Adele, were you born with perfectly shaped eyelids or… ?


eyel AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube


Our dogs have heard us try nail that note in Hello so many times it could be condsidered a form of animal cruelty.

alb AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

6. :O

backlas AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

7. Her composure continues to be a source of inspiration

We can’t hear a single note of Someone Like You without getting melancholy — how do you sing it all the bloody time and not want to take to the bed with a bottle of wine?

adelee AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

8. But some people are like, “Wait, Adele doesn’t know real pain — she’s in her 20s”

Imagine what she’ll be like in her 30s.


addd AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

9. Seriously Adele, you’re only young!


10. But at least she’s saving us money on skincare products

ad AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

11. Even if it’s meant we’ve been caught weeping at inopportune times

aw AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

12. *thinks of lollipop lady that used to help you across the road; bawls*

ap AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

13. But we can forgive all that… if she’ll just be our friend

adekefruebd2 AdeleVEVO / YouTube AdeleVEVO / YouTube / YouTube

Us, you, Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, margaritas.

Think about it, Adele.

Kylie Jenner’s ‘lip kit’ sold out in 30 seconds and sent the internet into a FRENZY >
