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9 extremely insightful diary entries from primary school kids

Kids are #deep, man.

KIDS SAY THE darndest things. And who knew they had such deep thoughts, too?

1. “It was halaris”

tumblr_m6jmoiPMnI1qz9ivbo1_1280 Source: Claspy

2. This 9-year-old knows what it’s all about

SexEd from My 9yo Self - Imgur Source: Imgur

“See ya later!”

3. Comprehensive criteria for a husband

4. Excellent priorities

Q5RLi02 Source: Imgur

5. This little girl keeping track of her expanding vocabulary

OJFtxNf Source: Imgur

6. He was REALLY cute OK

Sum0a Source: Antem24

J5Fqk Source: Antem24

7. This diary of a true rebel

8. This dramatic account of an extremely close call

jTHwrZi Source: AndBeAwesomeInstead

9. And finally, this earth-shattering realisation from an 8-year-old girl:

6ct3RTe Source: Donner1701

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