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The most ridiculous things we all believed as kids

We only half-believed that the moon is made from cheese, OKAY?

KIDS SAY THE funniest things, don’t they?

Well, the mad nonsense they believe can be even funnier. We’ve all been there, having a little tiff with children, them trying to tell us the sky is green and the grass is purple. They’re all WRONG on this issue, but you just try telling them that.

Kids certainly do have strongly held beliefs for wildly inexperienced people.

Here’s some of the more outlandish stuff that we all believed as chizzlers.

Anything above teenage is “old”

Whereas as adults know for sure, anyone safely 20 years older than you is actually the correct definition of “old”. Nothing less.

Image: Shutterstock

Supernatural beings

Are you old enough to be reading this? If not – look away now.

As children, we used to believed with bottomless certainty in certain seasonal-specific benefactors. One was jolly, one was an anthropomorphic rabbit and one (for possibly sinister reasons never fully explained) wanted our old teeth.

Image: Katje Valnoon

Alphabet song

“A B C D E F G H I J K ellemeno P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.”

What letter was “ellemeno”? Doesn’t matter. It was a letter, alright?

Image: Boourns

The moon was really made from cheese

“Listen, Mam, the moon is DEFINITELY made of cheese. I read it in a book, and books aren’t allowed to lie. SO THERE.”

Image: National Geographic

Stork brought babies

Well, where else are you going to get them? WHAT? Mammy’s stomach? Don’t be ridiculous.

Image: Funny Pictures Blog

That your parents knew everything. EVERYTHING

As a child, we truly believed our parents had the answers to all of life’s questions. Any of us who now have children are aware that parents, in fact, are just making it all up as they go along. Thankfully the kids have unshakeable faith.

What downright ludicrous stuff did you whole-heartedly believe as a child? Share your shame in the comments.

Read: 14 things we learned from Ladybird books>

Read: The things we miss most from childhood bedtimes>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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