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24 tweets and memes that tell you all you need to know about last night's debate

Oh boy.

Campaign 2016 Debate Source: Rick T. Wilking

IN THE WEE hours of this morning, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump squared off against one another in the second debate of this presidential campaign/

And boy, was it a doozy.

It kicked off with both candidates skipping the traditional handshake and awkwardly saying hello to each other

Start as you mean to go on, right?

The debate took a town hall format with undecided voters invited to ask the candidates questions

Among those to ask the candidates a question? Ken Bone, American hero

Ken Bone showed up to ask a genuinely thoughtful question about energy policy and everyone at home fell in love with him

Tweet by @🎃 Skelebrad 🎃 Source: 🎃 Skelebrad 🎃/Twitter

After the debate, Ken Bone was spotted taking a photo of the set on his digital camera

Can you even?

But back to the candidates
 at times it *really* looked like they were performing a duet.

“Baby, when I met you there was peace unknown

During the debate, Trump took to awkwardly lurking behind Hillary Clinton

Well that’s not threatening at all.

(If you can’t see the video, please click here.)

Which didn’t exactly endear him to people at home

brod Source: Ryan Broderick/Twitter

Trump’s penchant for just straight up avoiding the question altogether was noted

As was this awkward phrasing.

When Trump urged Muslims to “report the problems when they see something going on,” this guy had the best response of the night

But seriously, Donald – what are you doing?

At one point, a fly landed on Hillary’s face

Not ideal.

Which confused loads of people at home

“Is that on her face or my screen?”


And some Americans felt the need to apologise to the rest of the world

It’s okay, Kristen. It’s not your fault.

Thank God Irish debates aren’t like this, wha’?

e370a2346efb005f8d073a73413e12cf (1) Source: Ellen Coyne/Twitter

CbScI_kWwAIMMeQ Source: Aidan Sweeney/Twitter

In short? Jesus Christ.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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