Dublin: 11 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Fyffes threw some serious shade at Cadbury over on Twitter

Please, chocolate and bananas can co-exist in this crazy world.

IN BRAND SHADE-THROWING news of the day, Fyffes Bananas has lined up Cadbury for a bit of harmless fun on Twitter.

As some might be aware, Cadbury has launched its new Oat Crunch bar – designed specifically for elevenses:

cadburyoat Source: Twitter

Fyffes saw this and thought they would have their say on this important meal:


“It’s time for wholefood smart snacks” might not be the deepest burn we have ever witnessed, but we get where they are coming from. Quite smooth:

nS0xbhm Source: Imgur

In the ruthless world of elevenses snacks, it would appear we have a war on our hands.

Your move, Cadbury.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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