Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

11 WTF moments that could only happen at the Galway Races

The most wonderful time of the year.

IT’S A HELL of a time.

1. When this guy just couldn’t get a bed

2. This man wiping his face with a fifty euro note behind a news report

Source: TheBradley91/YouTube

3. This guard taking a selfie with the LADS

PastedImage-67396 Source: MrBoink, Reddit

4. When mass was held here

5. This chat about horse-names, the saucy divil

6. This videobombing lad having the craic with Joe Stack


7. And these


8. Wait for it…

9. When a load of nuns popped by to see what all the fuss was about

10. This wild horse


11. And when Cinderella herself was spotted passing through

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People are loving this fitness blogger’s post about why you should ignore the weighing scale>

This messer was caught horsing around behind an RTÉ report from the Galway Races>

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