THERE’S NOTHING THEY like more on Game of Thrones than having a feed of pints (well, wine).
If you can’t beat them, join them*!
Maybe with some tea or minerals though. It is Monday evening after all.
Episode two of the new season premieres on Sky Atlantic this evening, so if you’re planning on watching, why not play along?
You will need
Something to drink
Why not put your tea or mineral (or wine, if you must) into some sort of Game of Thrones-esque goblet?
Fancy a top-up?
No parents
Under no circumstances should you watch Game of Thrones with your parents or your children.
Far too much filth.
A telly with access to Sky Atlantic
How to play:
Simply take the mandated number of sips or slurps or shots every time one of these things happens.
Ready, steady, GO!
Someone calls Jon Snow a bastard
You see boobs
Just take a little sip. This happens a lot.
Someone gets a slap or a dig
Joffrey is being a wally
Someone speaks in another language
Cersei delivers a smackdown
Tyrion delivers a better smackdown
Khaleesi mentions her dragons
Khaleesi loses her dragons