LAST NIGHT’S EPISODE of Game of Thrones, Breaker of Chains, contained one of the series’ most shocking moments.
If you don’t want to see any spoilers, please go away now until you’ve caught up. We’re waiting…
Are they gone? OK.
We’re used to um, transgressive sex in Game of Thrones at this stage. But last night brought us a scene in which Jaime Lannister rapes his sister Cersei, against the bier holding their dead brother/son Joffrey – while Cersei holds Joffrey’s hand.
It was undoubtedly shocking, and fans have already displayed extreme reactions online.
But what made this moment especially surprising was that (unlike, say, the Red Wedding), its significance was dramatically altered from the original scene in the novel.
As many viewers have noted, George RR Martin’s version of the scene shows the pair – who of course share a sexual history together – having consensual sex.
The moment gained added shock factor as it followed on from more or less an entire season of Jaime Lannister’s character working toward some kind of redemption.
Many were saddened by the turnaround, or upset by the departure from the novels:
Others were just… shocked
(Although some are getting a bit jaded at this stage)
Meanwhile, many viewers have strongly criticised HBO for introducing rape into the storyline.
Critic Sonia Saraiya has posted a nuanced criticism of the scene on the AV Club, writing:
It’s hard to shake the idea that Game Of Thrones, the show, doesn’t see a problem with pushing a scene from complicated, consensual sex to outright rape. It would be easier to accept that idea if it were clear what the show was trying to do with those changes.
Her piece has generated intense discussion.
What do you think?