TAKING A BREAK from filming season 4 and dressed in their civvies, some of the stars of Game of Thrones went on the tear in Belfast at the weekend.
Large parts of the epic drama series are filmed in Northern Ireland, with many interior shots taking place at the Titanic Studios in Belfast.
Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), Loras Tyrell (Finn Jones), Shae (Sibel Kikelli) and Varys (Conleth Hill) were joined by new Season 4 characters Mace Tyrell (Roger Ashton Griffiths) and Oberyn Martell/The Red Viper (Pedro Pascal).
Pascal took the snaps at The Barking Dog restaurant before heading on to the pub.
He woke up with a bit of a head on him by the looks of things:
What, nobody invited Tyrion? Sure he’s the best craic of the lot of them…
“Oldest pub in Belfast. #thronesing” (via @PascalIsPunk)
“DoesntGiveAFuck” (via @PascalIsPunk)
Meanwhile one of Belfast’s Starbucks (on the Lower Lisburn Road) will make the cast a Game of Thrones themed coffee to help their sore heads if they want.
House Targaryen flat white anyone?
via @StarbucksLLR