AH, THE HUMBLE garlic cheese chip.
Who among us hasn’t shoved forkfuls of the stuff into our gob after a night out? Or picked away at cold leftovers while in the throes of an unmerciful hangover?
Yes, garlic cheese chips are an undisputed culinary delicacy here in Ireland. But for people not from around these parts, the concept might be a little… off-putting.
Let’s explain it, shall we?
Garlic cheese chips are essentially chips covered in grated cheese and garlic mayo.
And while it might sound/look unappetising, it’s actually heavenly.
It’s pretty much the ultimate drunk food.
The yellowness of the cheese, the tang of the garlic sauce, the mush of the chips — if there were Michelin Stars given out for drunk food, garlic cheese chips would have the most in the land.
Once you’ve had one, the cravings never stop
Case in point? This man who took to Reddit to ask about the Abrakebabra garlic sauce
And this Dutch man who found himself addicted to the garlic cheese chips from Babylon
Like we said, the cravings never stop.
The best garlic cheese chip offering? Supermacs, no doubt.
*praise hands*
In short, Ireland <3 garlic cheese chips
*dreams of sweet tinfoil container*