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Star Wars creator George Lucas has apologised for calling Disney 'white slavers'

Lucas is not a massive fan of The Force Awakens.

STAR WARS CREATOR George Lucas has apologised for calling Disney “white slavers” and criticising the latest instalment in the franchise.

george lucas Source: YouTube

In an interview with US journalist Charlie Rose, Lucas spoke frankly about his decision to sell Lucasfilm to Disney for $4 billion back in 2012.

He likened the sale to a painful breakup and complained that the franchise had become too commercial before comparing Disney to “white slavers”.

These are my kids. All the Star Wars films. I loved them, I created them, I’m very intimately involved in them. I sold them to white slavers that take these things and…

Source: Charlie Rose/YouTube

He criticised Disney’s ‘retro’ approach to The Force Awakens, saying he tried to make each film “completely different – different planets, different spaceships, to make it new”.

The ‘white slavers’ remark caused controversy on social media – while many Star Wars fans defended Lucas, some believe that he has no right to complain after taking Disney’s $4 billion:

Last night, Lucas issued a statement in which he rolled back on his comments, saying:

I misspoke and used a very inappropriate analogy and for that I apologise. I have been working with Disney for 40 years and chose them as the custodians of Star Wars because of my great respect for the company and [CEO] Bob Iger’s leadership.

He said he was “blown away” by the success of the newest film, and wanted to make it clear that he’s happy with the direction Disney has taken with Star Wars.

“Disney is doing an incredible job of taking care of and expanding the franchise.”

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