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11 small gestures which actually mean 'I love you'

If they’re dealing with the bin juice, it’s love.

NEW RESEARCH ON relationships from the Open University has indicated that one of the secrets to a successful relationship is the cup of tea.

Making your partner a cup of tea is seen to be a loving gesture as valuable to many as hearing ‘I love you’.

The truth is, there are lots of gestures in relationships which actually mean ‘I love you’. Here are eleven of them.

Going to the chipper when your partner’s feeling rough

Battered sausages Source: bmjames

Everyone has those days when you’re feeling a bit rough but you’re desperate for a battered sausage or a snack box.

The significant other who is willing to go and get those things for you is saying I love you for sure.

Making the phone call to the takeaway


No one wants to do it, and it may be something you argue about frequently. Every once in a while though, the other half does it without protest or complaint.

It’s a treat, and it means love.

Hanging out the washing even though you did it the last time

Clothes Source: Nina Matthews Photography

This is a job which shouldn’t be a major pain in the arse but just is, and if someone does this when it’s not their turn then they are making a sacrifice for you.

Same goes with folding it and putting it away.

Taking down the Christmas decorations while they’re out

Opening the box Source: nightthree

The ultimate loving gesture.  This says, ‘I will do this horrendous job while you’re not here so that you may relax upon your return.’  It says, ‘I will selflessly sacrifice myself and my enjoyment and do something which by rights we should do together.’

It says, ‘I LOVE YOU.’

Dealing with a smelly bin

Cubos de basura Source: drcymo

There are few things more putrid that the stink of a rotten, smelly bin.  No one wants to deal with it, but someone has to.

If you have someone in your life who is willing to take this one for the team, then they love you for sure.

Regular visits to their mother’s

Mother Source: Flickr

Listen, your mother is obviously great, a superstar, but at the end of the day, someone else’s mother is always someone else’s mother.

You can’t relax in someone else’s mam’s the way you can in your own, it’s just not the same.  And yet, there they are, by your side, in your mams.  L-O-V-E.

Turning on your electric blanket

What could be inside this box? Source: Spider.Dog

This is the ultimate expression of love for many people. What is better than a warm bed?

Sitting beside you while you watch your favourite telly

Whether it's football or Made in Chelsea, the act of keeping you company while you watch something that does not interest them is deeply loving.

Unclogging the drain

monster from the deep, three years in the making Source: brendan.wood

No explanation necessary.

Getting up with the kids and letting your co-parent lie in

New Jammies Source: crimfants

Sleep is the hottest commodity around when you're a parent of small children, so this gesture is the most loving sacrifice available at this time of your life.

Going to the shop for the milk when you've run out

photo (8) Source: DailyEdge.ie

You're in your jammies, the tea is made and the biscuits are at the ready.  It is then that you realise you're out of milk.

Someone has to get put proper clothes on and go out into the harsh cold world.  Who is going to make that sacrifice?  A lover, that's who.

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