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Quiz: Will You Succeed At Giving Up For Lent?

Can you make it all the way? Take our quiz and find out.

lentquiz Source: Flickr/PeterPearson

Firstly - did you get some pancakes today?
YES. Oh my god pancakes.
No. :(
Pick your poison.

Have you cleared out the house, in accordance with the rules of Pancake Tuesday?
Yes. There is nothing here that could be described as 'sweet'.
There are a few biscuits hanging around in the back of the press, but they'll HARDLY tempt me, will they?

Oh, yeah. Must do that.
Are you going to take up anything for Lent, as well as giving up the sweets?
Eh, no. One thing is hard enough. I'm not a saint.
Oh yes - I'm going to help out more around the house, AND start exercising more. *beams*
Do Sundays and St Patrick's Day count?
Niall Carson/Press Association Images
No way. How would we survive otherwise? It's God's wish!
Which emoji best describes your feelings about being without sweets for a few weeks?

When do you usually eat your Easter egg? Be honest.
On Easter Sunday morning, of course!
Easter Sunday. But no one could begrudge anyone a tiny treat from the box on the week before, surely?

In the depths of a wild craving for chocolate, halfway through Lent.
Someone has just bought you a big bag of sweets as a gift, not knowing you're on Lent. What do you do?
Make a big show of putting them away 'safely' for after Lent.
Open them and force them on everyone else. Get those sweets out of this house!

Sneak a few. Sure it's no harm, you'll try again tomorrow.
Hold out for a few minutes, then dig in like there's no tomorrow.
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You're gonna make it through.
You'll last the full 40 days, and you'll probably make everyone else feel bad because you didn't skip the Sundays. Smug.
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You scored out of !
You'll get about two weeks in.
And you know what? That's very well done. Give yourself a pat on the back.
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You haven't a chance.
It's 9.30pm on Pancake Tuesday and you're already craving Nutella. Good luck.
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