RADIOHEAD WERE THE main draw on the first big night of Glastonbury – and they didn’t disappoint.
Closing their headlining set with Karma Police, their performance was interspersed with Jeremy Corybn chants from the crowd and there was some buzz about the place:
But back out in the crowd Hannah O’Connell and around 20 friends were over from Ireland, and they’d prepared something special for the Radiohead set: two flags that only fans of Father Ted would enjoy
It was, of course, on that fateful Craggy Island bus journey where Tommy Tiernan’s Father Kevin asked the driver to stick on the radio and Radiohead’s Exit Music (For a Film) came on
Hannah tells that she designed it after the idea came about through a “group chat” with the 20 or so making their way over, and that they got the flags custom made for the occasion.
Pure dedication.
Luckily enough, Radiohead obliged and played the song in question on stage last night – still known to many from its appearance on Father Ted
There must have been scenes when that came on from all 20 in the group.
Father Kevin might not have liked it, but everyone else probably did.