IT’S SUNDAY EVENING, so what else would you be doing except taking our (highly scientific) quiz to find out which vintage Glenroe star you are.
Forget Sherlock, forget Game of Thrones, forget House of Cards, Wicklow is WHERE IT’S AT!
All you need to do is keep note of the letters you choose as you go along, and we’ll reveal at the end whether you’re more of a Dinny or a Dick…
Which of these drinks are you more drawn to?
a) A nice glass of sherry
b) White wine. Large.
c) A stiff G&T
d) A pint of stout
e) Altar wine
f) A glass of Guinness at the end of the night
g) A strong cuppa. Four sugars
Which of these hats are you more drawn to?
What’s your karaoke song?
a) Jerusalem
b) I Touch Myself
c) Big Spender
d) And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda
e) Here I am Lord
f) Closing Time
g) The By-road to Glenroe
What’s your preferred mode of transport?
a) Vintage Land Rover
b) Back seat of the tractor
c) 1987 Mercedes, leather interior
d) An aul shtick to help you walk
e) Your trusty bike
f) You never leave the pub. Ever.
g) Hay baler
Which of these is your favourite pastime?
a) Saying “jolly good” and being delighted about things
b) Making eyes at people
c) Scowling
d) Seeing to the dogs, going for a pint
e) A bit of a pray, and fantasising about cruise ships
f) Saying “are you right there folks PLEASE?”
g) Shaking your jowls in disbelief
Someone tries to lob the gob on you, even though you’re married. Do you:
a) Get a bit flustered and watch some cricket on the telly
b) Go for it. Actually, you’re the one lobbing the gob
c) Grab them roughly with one hand, dimming the lights with the other. You are wearing a long overcoat and driving gloves.
d) Have a heart attack
e) Get the cruise ship catalogue out
f) Leather them with a bar stool
g) Is her name Fidelma?
Which Friends character do you most relate to?
a) Mr Gellar
b) Phoebe’s twin sister Ursula
c) Paulo, Rachel’s Italian boyfriend
d) Mr Heckles
e) This guy
f) Bossy Monica
g) Ross Gellar
Well. how did you do?
Mostly As- You’re George Manning, the posho from the Big House
Mostly Bs – You’re Fidelma, Biddy’s cousin who lobbed the gob on Miley
Mostly Cs – You’re Dick Moran, Mary’s scowling estranged husband
Mostly Ds – You’re Dinny Byrne, the gout-ridden patriarch of Glenroe
Mostly Es – You’re Father Devereaux, the world-weary priest who ended up quitting his vocation to sail round the world with Shirley Manning
Mostly Fs – You’re Teasie, the no-nonsense pub landlady
Mostly Gs – You’re Miley Byrne, Glenroe legend and kisser of Fidelma