Dublin: 8 °C Saturday 22 February, 2025

6 vintage Glenroe stars… where are they now?

Where in the World will be on soon. Do you have your homework done?

(Wikimedia Commons)

IT’S ALMOST THAT time of the evening, when the fear will strike and you’ll once again be transported back to a time when you have no homework done and the time for Glenroe is looming.

If you can manage it, check out where these six vintage stars of the show are now:

1. George Manning

Alan Stanford played George, the posho who lived in the big house and married Shirley the American. (Not to be confused with George the Vicar, who married Fiona).

These days Stanford is the director at the Gate Theatre in Dublin, where he’s directed his own adaptations of Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre, among many other productions.

2. Blackie Connors

Blackie Connors was played by the actor Liam Heffernan. Blackie was a traveller who ended up having it off with Terry Killeen, who Dick Moran had an affair with (see below). There is some dissent in TheJournal.ie towers about whether or not Blackie and Biddy ever had it off. Anyone?

Liam Heffernan went on to appear in several TV series including The Running Mate and Raw.

This is him now:

(TN Enterprises)

3. Dick Moran

Dick Moran was the local solicitor who struck up a relationship with Biddy’s widowed mother Mary (who once ate magic mushrooms by mistake) and then they got married. He had an affair with Terry Killeen and was often up to no good.

Dick Moran was played by Emmet Bergin and was fancied by loads of Irish mammies. Since Glenroe he’s been in No Tears, Veronica Guerin, The Clinic and Alarm.

4. Fidelma Kelly

Lucky @MaryMcQuinn met Fidelma on the street in Dingle recently!

Fidelma will always be the one who rolled in the hay with Miley. She was Biddy’s cousin and married to the vet David Hanlon (played by Mario Rosenstock). She will always always be the one who lobbed the gob on Miley though.

Eunice McMenamin played Fidelma and went on to appear on stage and in various TV shows. She’s the co-director of the Kidkast Theatre School and Agency.

5. Michelle Haughey

Michelle was married to Kevin (a blow-in from Dublin) and worked in the pub (that’s Dinny’s mate Stephen behind her there).

Isobel Mahon, who played Michelle, went on to star in Legend and The Clinic. She has also appeared on stage and has written plays for the stage and for radio.

6. Father Tim Devereaux

Father Devereaux used to pelt around the village on his bike, giving advice. He had a very kind face.

Donall Farmer, the actor behind the priest, did not do much more acting after the show ended. Here he is pictured at Mick Lally’s (Miley) funeral in 2010:

(Photocall Ireland)

Now, listen to this and think about all that homework:


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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