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This 9/11 'special offer' almost closed down a golf club

The owner said he received death threats over the offer of nine holes for $9.11.

Source: AP

THE OWNER OF a US golf club has been forced to apologise after running this advert to mark today’s anniversary of the September 11 attacks on New York.

Tumbledown Trails Golf Course near Madison, Wisconsin advertised the special offer in the Wisconsin State Journal newspaper on Monday, saying it was intended to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people. It read:

To commemorate this we are offering 9 holes with cart for only $9.11 per person or 18 holes with cart for only $19.11!

News of the offer spread, and the golf course’s Facebook page – which has since been deleted – was overrun with negative comments. Owner Marc Watts said he received death threats, adding:

We’re a little hurt by the fact that people are putting such a negative context on this. I thought people would appreciate it.

He said he considered closing the course for the anniversary following the backlash, but decided to keep it open.

Sept. 11 Golf Ad Tumbledown Trails yesterday. Source: AP

“We could close, but then all these people with their negative attitudes, they win,” he said. Watts, who was near tears during an interview, said he spent much of the night throwing up over the backlash.

Lee Ielpi, the president and co-founder of the 9/11 Tribute Center, has said he does not “feel slighted” by the offer.

The promotion actually began two years ago, on the 10th anniversary of the attacks, and until now was warmly received as a way to ensure people never forget the tragedy, Watts said.

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About the author:

Associated Foreign Press

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