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Google has patented anti-spoiler technology just for you

This is truly a public service.

THE SHEER BLOODY annoyance of catching a spoiler of your favourite show is one of life’s miseries.

Now, though, Google have patented actual anti-spoiler technology, which reportedly tracks what TV shows and movies you have watched and removes any information that you have yet to see from your browser.

This. This could be a game-changer.

gif-of-house-of-cards-fourth-wall Source: Hellogiggles

The exact details of the patent have yet to be released, but the possibilities are endless for spolier-less TV if it works out but it could also present some problems, as Wired reports:

The concept of spoiler-free technology is fascinating, but for it to work, Google would not only have to be plugged into every channel you use to watch video and social network of which you are a member.

These people will probably be happy if the anti-spoiler plan comes off anyway

Tweet by @Jess the Mess Source: Jess the Mess/Twitter

These people could have the last laugh on those dastardly spoilers. We’ll wait and see.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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