YOU KNOW THE way Google likes to guess what you might be searching for based on the first few letters or words you type?
Well taking a look at those searches based on age is quite the eye-opener.
YouTuber Marius B has put together a video showing a spectrum of ages from 10 up to 85.
The top searches, according to Marius B reflect the “fears, inquiries, preoccupations, obsessions and fixations of the human being at a certain age and our evolution through life”
I’m 10 and pregnant.
I’m 15 and I want a baby.
I’m 21 and still a virgin.
I’m 27 and I feel old.
I’m 30 and still live with my parents.
I’m 40 and pregnant.
I’m 50 and still a virgin.
I’m 60 and pregnant.
I’m 70 and a virgin.
I’m 80 and I’m tired.
Video here: YouTube/Marius B
Marius B explains that the search results are made in the ‘incognito’ tab with nobody signed into Google and no cookies or active search history and with a “permanent paid VPN targeting US”.