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The guide to selfies, as illustrated by grandads

Let these silver surfers guide you through the choppy waters of social media.

A “SELFIE” IS a self-posed, self-styled and self-taken photograph uploaded to social media.

Selfies are not just the preserve of teenagers and Rihanna anymore. Oh no. Let’s be totally honest, we’ve all taken at least one selfie in our time. (Haven’t we?)

Now even our grandparents are getting in on the game. These Grandads will guide you through a crash course of the most common types of selfie.

The celeb selfie

Celebrities are into selfies – and older celebrities are no exception. Why shouldn’t celebrity grandfather’s get in on the self-love action?

Here’s Geraldo Rivera rocking out in the mirror at 70. Good on him, we say.

Image: NY Daily News

The quintessential gym selfie

People regularly take selfies in the gym, as it communicates two messages. One: “I’m smug about going to the gym!” Two: “Look how hot I am from going to the gym!”

(But, actually, this grandad selfie has a more inspiring story behind it. It was originally posted on Reddit by his grandson, who revealed that his 90 year old grandfather had survived the Auschwitz and Dachau concentration camps during World War II. He goes to the gym to keep fit, as being strong saved his life during the Holocaust.)

Image: Imgur

The smiling knowingly selfie

These photos are ones from people who might not yet be comfortable with the delicate art of the selfie. So they smile semi-ironically, knowingly, as if to say, “Listen, I know this is a joke, okay? So you can’t even TRY slagging me.”

Image: twicsy

The lift selfie

Those ten seconds of boredom and infinite mirrors inspire even the most resolutely against selfies into whipping out the camera. A selfie pressure cooker, if you will.

Image: funnyshare.org

The night out selfie

The common or garden selfie, most frequently spotted on our social networks of a Friday or Saturday night. “LOOK HOW MUCH FUN I’M HAVING!” this selfie screams. If you were having that much fun, would you really be painstakingly documenting it? Think on.

Image: Imgur

The supposedly ironic selfie

We all know the type of person – too proud to admit they take photographs of themselves on their webcam or phone. So they make out like it’s all a big joke. However, they still upload these “ironic” selfies. We’re onto you. You’re as bad as the rest of us.

Image: twicsy

The “kooky” selfie

These selfie artists try to make out that they’re much too “wacky” and “out there” to be vain. You’re still vain, guys. Vanity is part and parcel of selfie territory.

Image: Imgur

Do you take selfies? Or do you find them too cringe-inducing? Let us know in the comments, if only to make us feel better about our own selfie addiction.

Read: 11 reasons older people are cooler than you>

Read: 13 photos that seem normal… until you see it>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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