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Grannies across Ireland need to get their hands on this card for exam season

Light a few there Granny.

IMG_2237 - Salzburg - Erzabtei St Peter Source: thisisbossi

YOU’RE NOT SAFE in any exam until your granny (or A. N. Other older relative) has done the decent thing and lit a candle for you.

You can study ox bow lakes and Macbeth soliloquys and Krebs Cycles until they come out your ears, but without a trust wick lighting, your done for.

And just to be sure, they can produce this card to make sure how much they care.

card Source: AbbeyBookshop.ie

It comes in a varieties of styles and flairs:

sfsdf Source: discountwholesalers.ie

fdfs Source: cbcdistributors.co.uk

Don’t let us down, Granny!

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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