Dublin: 8 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

This story about police seizing cans from 'youths' is delighting the internet

You’ve gotta love small town police forces…

AND THE AWARD for police force of the week goes to…

Today The Warrington Guardian reports that police seized alcohol from “youths” attending a party in the town of Great Sankey.

Two PCSOs attended Cleveleys Road after subsequent anti-socialbehaviour in the street resulted in five calls from residents. Alcohol including Fosters, Strongbow and vodka was seized.

And it looks to have been a really crazy party.

Just look at the haul…

5 cans of Fosters, 4 cans of Strongbow, one bottle of Absolut and two unknown liquids.

Stellar work, guys.

Keep it up.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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