Dublin: 8 °C Friday 28 March, 2025

Someone has created the 'grilled cheese taco' and it's the ultimate drunk food


THE LATEST WEIRD food hybrid trend to hit the earth, is taco grilled cheese.

Yes, observe it in all its glory.

It’s the brainchild of Food in My Beard, a cooking blog by Dan Whalen.

It’s totally do-able too, all you have to do is make the taco shell out of a toasted cheese.

grilledcheesetaco4 Source: Thefoodinmybeard

The ultimate drunk food, I think you’ll agree.

grilledcheesetaco7 Source: Thefoodinmybeard

Find the full recipe on his blog.

grilledcheesetaco8 Source: Thefoodinmybeard

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