Dublin: 13 °C Friday 21 February, 2025

Here's why this beer jug has a deeply unfortunate name in Ireland

What do you think of when you think of growlers.

FOR THOSE OF you that may be unfamiliar, a growler is a big refillable jug you can take craft beer home in, direct from the tap.

It looks a little something like this:

growler Source: Crowdbrewed

The word is also defined as ‘someone who growls’, or a ‘small piece of an iceberg’.

But in Ireland, as most of us know, it means something completely different.

Take it away, Urban Dictionary.


Yes, classy. (Video is NSFW, or life, really)

Source: Ryan Duguid/YouTube

With this context in mind… It’s… disturbing…

You can never have too many growlers.

Pale, blonde, Irish growlers…


Somebody stop this madness.

We hereby request growlers be referred to as beer jugs in our Irish presence.

An Irish brewer excellently hit back at stickers branding bottles as ‘an insult’ to craft beer>

Irish speakers will get a kick out of this Kerry beer’s name>

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