Dublin: 5 °C Friday 28 February, 2025

The Guardian issued this priceless correction on Jamie Oliver's recipe for toast

Newspaper advises readers against “using a toaster on its side”.

AND TODAY’S NEWSPAPER correction of the day is…

Last week, The Guardian published a recipe from Jamie Oliver on how to make toast (yes, really). In the article, Oliver detailed his past experiences making grilled cheese toasties by turning a toaster on its side.

In the past, I have turned the toaster on its side, put cheese on bread and slid it in so it toasts on one side and melts on the other.

Today, The Guardian issued a correction warning readers that you should NEVER, EVER DO THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UNLESS YOU WANT TO SET YOUR HOUSE ON FIRE.

correction Source: The Guardian

Phew, close one.

The New York Times admits to making up a country >

13 of the best newspaper corrections ever made >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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