NOTHING SAYS ROMANCE like the supermarket, eh?
Or at least, that’s the case for Vladimir Romannikov and Monica Dehombre who got engaged in a Florida branch of fancy supermarket Whole Foods this week.
The couple had met there for the first time just over a year ago, in the drinks aisle.
Vladimir rold WPTV that he followed her around the store checking her out (apparently that’s normal behaviour in the US),
I see Monica and I’m like walking around the store. I’m trying to follow her a little, trying to start a conversation but she’s really serious about her shopping…
Monica continued,
I didn’t even notice him. He was following me around the whole store and we get to cash register two and he was like, ‘So you shop all organic huh?
That whopper pick up line worked, so this week Vladimir asked the supermarket to help him out with his proposal.
I asked them to put rose petals on the floor specifically at cashier two, which is where we first met…
He then brought Monica to the store where an announcement was made asking them to come to ‘register 2′. Monica’s favourite song began playing over the PA and then he popped the question.
They’re now planning the wedding – no word on whether it will be in Whole Foods.
H/T to Buzzfeed.