FANCY DRESS PARTIES can be a bit of a minefield, can’t they?
Luckily, here we are to guide you through. Like a metal detector, if you will. Here are the definitive DOs and DON’Ts of dressing up for Halloween…
DO work with the assets you have
DON’T overestimate them
DO be clever
DON’T be so clever that nobody gets it
(“Snakes on a plane”, in case you were wondering.)
DO make a costume out of cardboard
DON’T lose the run of yourself with the craft box
DO be scary
DON’T end up scary by accident
DO be free and easy with your gender
DON’T have balloons for breasts. Just don’t.
DO paint your face
DON’T paint your belly
DO feel free to reference pop culture
DON’T let your pet wear a better costume than you
DO wear a couple costume
DON’T use your child as the other half
DO give it your best shot
But DON’T ever try and outdo this guy.