LAST WEEK, A Facebook user by the name of Stephen Roseman shared this image of a dog and wrote:
This poor dog was badly burned and disfigured trying to save his family from a house fire. One like = one prayer, One share = ten prayers
Facebook users duly obliged and liked and shared the photo of the poor pup with comments like, “Poor baby” and “Please pray for this dog”.
The only problem?
That’s just a dog with a slice of ham on its face.
As many were quick to point out.
Donald knows.
Some people were not impressed by the little stunt.
In the comments, Roseman wrote that he posted the status to mock similar ‘like and share’ statuses that tend to dominate your Facebook timeline.
The status has now been liked over 68,000 times and shared over 116,000 times, although it would seem that many are in on the joke now.
As for Roseman? He’s already plotting his next move.
Coming to a cinema near you.