Dublin: 6 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

9 people who are handling the snow way better than you

Think we have it bad? Nope.

IF YOU LIVE in one of the counties hit by a dusting of snow, it might be a bit inconvenient, but it could be worse.

Tweet by @TheJournal.ie Source: TheJournal.ie/Twitter

Way worse.

This lot aren’t bothered with the hand (or few feet) they’ve been dealt.

1. This lot, getting the old band together

PKdWmw2 Source: Imgur

2. This woman, having a lounge in the garden. Work is out of the question after all

xBzkF15 Source: Imgur

3. This guy, bringing memes to the streets

6O3CVEA Source: Imgur

4. The person who decided the best way to avoid frozen windows was to leave the doors open

Are the windows frozen? No, it worked.

pAiuK Source: Imgur

5. These boozers who know a good opportunity when they see one

YzJXU Source: Reddit

6. The school with a sense of humour about it all

9HaLrJk Source: Imgur

7. The purveyor of this foolproof advice

pOuUPES Source: Imgur

8. And the woman who followed it

3FtuQ25 Source: Imgur

9. Basically, snow is pretty easy to get on with

Once you have a sweet snowboard.

fZhJy4C Source: Imgur

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