Dublin: 10 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Hangover taxi service may just be the answer to all our prayers

Sadly, it’s only available in London.

‘TIS THE SEASON to be jolly, and no occasion is more jolly than the work Christmas party.

You’ll dance, you’ll drink, you’ll say embarrassing things to your colleagues. But what of the next morning? What then?

British instant noodle company Kabuto Noodles have created Kab-U-To-Work, a hangover taxi service that will convey you from your house to work the night after the Christmas party (if you’re unlucky enough to have one on a week night).

Inside the taxi, you will find such essentials as paracetamol, orange juice, mints and sunglasses to get you back in the office looking fresh as a daisy.

Unfortunately the service is only in its trial stages at the moment, and only London party-goers can avail of it.

Urgent appeal this Christmas: Somebody, anybody, PLEASE make this happen in Ireland. Please.

Ó Snodaigh wishes you all an ‘amazeyballs’ Christmas>

The 8 types of people you’ll meet at the work Christmas party>

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