1. When this constituted the full Paddy’s Day parade in Carrigaholt earlier this year
2. That time this local showed up for a pint
Gas. But also totally WTF.
3. And when this important notice was stuck up in East Clare
4. When this was a legit u-14 hurling match
5. That time you had to double-take on The Clare People’s quote
6. Every single thing about this dog’s journey
7. That time Clare County Council put up the most WTF road sign
8. This whole situation
9. When these three heroes rode a donkey together
10. When a missing letter turned this into a WTF situation
11. This court case
12. Everything about this photo shoot
13. This head-scratching road sign
14. The fact that there was a Christmas tree throwing championship in Ennis last year
15. And finally… dancing on this box by the side of the road
How dare anyone question it.