AER LINGUS MIGHT be the national airline, but flying Ryanair is the national experience.
Let’s get through this together. How many of the following signs do you exhibit?
1. When you book a flight, you reflexively check whether the airport is anywhere near the city it’s named after
2. This is you, dodging the website charges
3. This is your nemesis
4. And this is the Holy Grail
For checked baggage, obviously. You wouldn’t pull this kind of crazy stunt with hand baggage.
4. Your first reaction when you see this photo is “How did they get so much legroom?”
6. You believe in the uncrossable social boundary between the regular queue and the Priority Q
7. And you know that queuing isn’t about the seat, it’s about getting the primo hand luggage space
8. You have learned that almost any bag will go into the gauge with enough brute force
9. But still, this gang of girls putting 16 layers of clothes on and getting a cheer from the queue are heroes
10. You have eaten a Ryanair Sandwich while hungover
11. Bullseye Baggies, RIP
12. One of these people has almost certainly sold you mini-pretzels
13. You know not to take too much out of your bag because there are NO SEAT POCKETS FOR SOME REASON
14. When you land on another airline, you catch yourself listening out for the Ryanair Noise
15. You’ve probably spent longer looking at this than you have looking at beautiful sunsets on holiday.
Congratulations! You are a Ryanair Veteran.
We are too. Hold us.