NOT EVERYONE IS into books, which is something that is virtually impossible for a book lover to understand.
For them, the joy of getting into a good book is almost impossible to compete with.
However, it’s not all easy, in fact, being a book lover comes with its challenges.
Challenges like these.
People expecting you to do other things when you’re at the juicy part of your book
Work? Don’t they know I’m only 50 pages from the end?!?
Not being able to talk to anyone about what’s happening in your book because no one else is reading it
People suddenly getting into a book after the film comes out
Film versions of books ruining the images you have in your head of what the characters look like
People giving you weird looks when you cry or laugh in public while reading
Lending people a book because you think they’d really enjoy it and them not bothering to read it
Lending people books and never getting them back
Lending people books and getting them back with broken spines and folded corners
…or maybe that’s just for the hardcore.
Getting a third of the way through a book and suddenly realising you’ve read it before
Having to wait ages for the next book in a series
Not being able to read in the car or on the bus because it makes you feel sick
Trying to hold your book open so you can read while eating/making a sandwich
Surviving a childhood spent with your parents telling you to go outside and play