Dublin: 3 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

Hardy Bucks' alternative Olympic commentary goes very, very viral

Know nothing about sailing? Neither does Francis ‘The Viper’ Higgins.

THE OLYMPICS IS a tough gig for a commentator. You have to know everything about every sport, ever, and also master the pronunciation of names from every country, ever.

Luckily Francis Higgins – also known as ‘The Viper’ on the Hardy Bucks – is here with a minor masterclass for would-be pundits.

His alternative take on the Laser Radial sailing event, calling simply and movingly ‘Boats’, has gone worldwide since its appearance on Saturday with coverage on Buzzfeed, Gawker and Reddit and roughly 420,000 views to its name.

So without further ado, here it is. Note that the language is in no way suitable for workplaces, children, or those with a sensitive disposition.

Update: The video has moved. You can now watch it here.

Vimeo/Francis Higgins

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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