THE RUMOURS WEREN’T TRUE: HB’s apple-flavoured ice pop Fat Frog will not be returning this year.
It had been suggested online that the beloved, but long-retired, treat would be coming back to Irish shops – but HB said today that the rumour was without basis.
“I’m delighted that I’m so fondly remembered by my Irish fans,” the Frog said itself in a statement sent around by HB today.
Rumours have abounded recently on whether I could be persuaded to make a comeback.I am very comfortable here in my swamp, but I know people miss me, and I really am quite flattered and honoured.
The rumour of the pop’s return came earlier this week when the Facebook page devoted to the Fat Frog – which boasts an impressive 175,000 fans (that’s 25,000 more than us!) reported on Wednesday that they would be put back on sale – in news “straight from the frog’s mouth”.
The Frog commented, however, that HB were investigating the possibility of bringing him back on sale, although there was “a bit of work to do to make it happen”.
“When will it happen? Well it won’t be this year, but maybe some summer soon.”