NOT ONLY IS he an evil genius, he’s also a talented impressionist.
You may remember Tom Hiddleston’s impression of Owen Wilson if he were to play his role of Loki in the Avengers:
Well now he’s been asked to do Samuel L. Jackson. Why? We just don’t know, but it’s amazing.
Speaking to Access Hollywood about his original viral impression, Hiddleston said:
I was in Sydney promoting the film and I’ve always done impressions for theater, ever since I was a kid. I used to have a double tape deck and I used to have my own radio show, as it were, and I’d be the weather girl, and I’d be guests. I’ve always done silly voices.
The actor worked with Wilson in Midnight in Paris and some bright spark in a Q&A audience wondered what he’d sound like as Loki. Now it seems that anyone is fair game.
Here’s a supercut of the British actor’s impressions.