Dublin: 10 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

14 of the worst #HipsterCrimes, according to Twitter

Warning: includes puns.

#HIPSTERCRIMES IS THE Twitter hashtag of the day - basically it’s a way to gently call out hipster friends on their particular foibles.

Started by Comedy Central’s US show Midnight – thanks to last week’s internet sensation hipster police man – things have spiralled quickly into hilarity:

1. This heinous crime

2. An obvious breach of the hipster code

3. Everywhere in our cities

4. On a similar charge

5. Fedora level = 0

6. This probably is a thing

7. The absolute scandal

8. The shame among the hipsters if this got out

And the hashtag included some wonderful puns

9. A throwback crime

10. Beautiful

11. A great band to have a #hipstercrime named after

12. We can picture this

13. Moustaches were bound to get a mention

14. And of course

Please Twitter, keep them coming.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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