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This hotel guest's outfit choice has divided the internet

It’s like the anti-dress.

IN TERMS OF optical illusions, 2015 will always be the year of the dress. 

But there is a late bid for a controversial clothes debate after the Passenger Shaming Facebook page noticed this hotel guest checking in:

naked2 Source: Facebook

So, the image that looks like the guest is naked from the waist down should be pretty easily explained by them wearing nude leggings, right?

Some people thought so:

She is clearly wearing leggings because her foot and ankle are a slightly different colour to what is directly above the railing which is obscuring the bottom of the leggings.

But there were many who debated the leggings theory:

Are you just assuming it’s leggings because her being there without pants is unlikely? Looks like no pants to me.

The main point of contention was that it looks like the guest has no shoes on – which sides with the no leggings theory

naked3 Source: Facebook

It’s impossible to tell


It’s a talking point:

It’s hard to tell if she has on a flat sandal or not. I see the legging on her ankle and she has her bag with her so I’m thinking she’s checking in and this is her lovely travel outfit. Nothing like getting dressed up for the occasion.

But the real takeaway from this image for most is the scourge of nude leggings:

Please let these be nude colored leggings… Please for all that is good and right in this world….

Which is hard to argue with:

I think clothing manufacturers should be sued for making leggings in that color and subjecting our eyes to such horror.

Obviously they’re leggings – and for the legions of people on Facebook who think otherwise, they need to reevaluate things.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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