WHETHER YOU DWELL with family, friends, your partner or your spouse, communal living can be trying.
Here are numerous ways those lousers can ruin your day…
1. Door slamming treachery
The scenario: You’re having a lie in. They’ve been in and out of the sitting room 14 times already, allowing the door to slam behind them each time. You’re plotting the perfect murder.
Your mood:
Their mood:
2. Bathroom treachery
The scenario: You walk into the bathroom, stepping in a patch of water they’ve left on the floor. Bonus points if you’re wearing socks.
Your face:
Their face:
3. Toilet roll treachery
The scenario: You reach for a very necessary lump of toilet paper, only to be greeted with this:
Your reaction:
Their reaction :
4. More subtle toilet roll treachery
The scenario: They’ve made a half-hearted attempt at replacing the toilet roll, like this:
It’s not worse than using it all and not bothering to replace it, but it’s somehow the same.
You’re all:
They’re all:
5. Bedroom treachery
The scenario: Your housemate is locked in an amorous encounter on the other side of the paper-thin walls. You fear that you might never feel clean again.
You’re screaming:
They’re screaming:
6. Skybox treachery
The scenario: You’re settling in for a lovely evening of watching your stories, only to find that the recordings have been cancelled/deleted. Your lovely, previous stories.
You feel like:
They feel like:
7. Fridge treachery
The scenario: You’ve made a lovely slice of toast/cup of tea. Delighted with yourself. You go to the fridge and they’ve used the last of the butter/milk.
Your emotions:
Their emotions:
8. Washing machine treachery
The scenario: You’ve stripped the sheets from your bed and gathered up all your towels for a good old laundry day. You find their clothes languishing in the machine, where they’ve been for three days, smelling like an old scuttery dishcloth.
You respond with:
They respond with: