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How Annoying Are You On Social Media?

Are you a Facebook saint or a Twitter headwreck? Take the quiz and find out.

socialmediaquiz Source: PA

1. Good morning! What's your first tweet of the day?
"Morning Tweeps!"
"So I had this really weird dream last night..."

Erm, nothing. You don't tweet unless you have something good to say.
A link to one of the morning's top news stories.
2. You've received some bad customer service from some company or other. What do you do?
Fire off a suitably poisonous "to whom it may concern" email.
Write a lengthy diatribe on their Facebook page, then share it on your Timeline.

Call them out on Twitter, complete with a dot before their handle (so everyone else can see).
Call up and ask to speak to a manager.
3. Is your Instagram connected to your Facebook/Twitter?
No, I'll save my 'arty' shots and stupid selfies for my Insta followers only.
Yes. Few extra likes/favourites, what's the harm?

I post a few to Twitter if they're good enough. Otherwise, no.
Yes! Gotta make sure everyone sees I was at Le Fancy Bar!!!
4. How do you let people know you've been to the gym?
Erm...I don't?
With a 'sweaty' #gymselfie, of course!

"Mary Smith ran 5.5kms with Runkeeper."
A throwaway tweet about something funny/weird that happened there, if at all.
5. In what situation is the use of a hashtag acceptable?
When you're tweeting about a TV show or event.
Only ironically.

Everywhere! On Facebook, Twitter, in emails and texts...
After #every second #word. Why? You don't really know. Outreach, maybe?
6. What are your feelings on taking pictures of food?
Valerie Loftus
Every bowl of Eddie Rockets chips and slab of pulled pork must be documented. #cheatmeal
Valerie Loftus
I often bake things I'm very proud of. Why wouldn't I share?

Usually I'm too busy actually eating the food. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Only if I'm somewhere REALLY nice.
7. You are let down by a close friend. What do you do?
Call them and tell them you're upset.
Message another friend to rant.

Post a vague yet pointed Facebook status or tweet.
Share a picture with a slogan like 'I wish people looked like their personalities' and write "So true!"
8. Is posting pictures of your children OK?
Everyone adores my little cuties!
Get your spawn off my timeline.
9. Which of these are you most likely to share?
A picture with a cheesy inspirational quote.
Something 'hilarious' from The Lad Bible.

A "LIKE AND SHARE TO WIN" competition.
10. And finally - is this an acceptable way to retweet someone?
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You're not annoying at all.
You mange to go about your social media life without making anyone want to block or de-friend you. Well done!
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You scored out of !
You're a teeny bit annoying.
You're prone to the odd Facebook rant, but we won't hold it against you. Everyone makes a slip.
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You scored out of !
You're treading a fine line.
Was that a smug tweet we just saw? Are you seriously about to post another food pic? Be careful.
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You scored out of !
You're an absolute head wreck.
You need to rethink your social media tactics. Ditch the inspirational quotes, the gym statuses, and the subtweets. It's for the best.
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