Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

How Good A Shift Are You?

The question you have asked yourself for years.


1. Waiting at the lights to cross the road, do you...
Press frantically on the button while you wait
Jaywalk your way through the onrushing cars as best you can

Press the button once and patiently stand
Don't bother with the button, the lights will go red eventually
2. Pick a soft drink...
Red lemonade

Diet Coke
3. On a night out, where do you leave your coat?
In the cloakroom, of course
Under a random pile of other coats, of course
4. Your idea of a nice date to go on would be...
Some nice dinner and then drinks
Fast food and then home

Hanging out together at a shopping centre
The cinema
5. Is it ever acceptable to clap when your plane lands?
Yeah, we're on HOLIDAYS
Absolutely not
6. When you're calling someone and it goes to voicemail do you...
Hang up and send them a message
Politely leave a voicemail

Hang up annoyed and expect them to call back
Post on their Facebook wall immediately
7. Your natural reaction when looking at this vase is...
I am scared of dropping it
That is a really lovely vase

I would love to hurl that against a wall for the craic
I don't much care for vases
8. Have you ever lost your ID, bank card and phone on a single night out?
9. Have you ever text somebody on the same night that you shifted them?
Yes, the enthusiasm got the better of me
No, I always wait until at least the next day
10. And finally, you're most likely to finish a night out...
Tucked up safe in bed
Walking the streets desperately looking for a lock in

In the nearest fast food emporium
Hanging at the bar hoping the bartender allows you a sly one
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You are an excellent shift!
You have all the qualities needed to be the perfect shift. Announce it to everyone you know and keep up the good work.
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You scored out of !
You are a decent shift!
Not a bad shift at all. You can adapt to any situation and have hit some fairly high peaks of shifting in the past. Keep up the decent work.
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You scored out of !
You are a really sloppy shift!
Work needs to be done on your technique and attitude. Still, nothing that can't be solved with a bit of shifting practice.
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You scored out of !
You are the worst shift!
Bottom of the barrel, how did it come to this? Don't beat yourself up too much, and try to stay positive - you'll get better with some practice.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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