HOW DO YOUR personal habits match up to everyone else’s?
We’ve collected evidence from a number of sources (varying from highly to not-at-all scientific) and will match your answers against them.
Prepare to reveal thy true level of vanilla-ness…

Sources of varying reliability: About 64 per cent of people are still on their New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January; most men have farted ”loudly” in front of someone in the last month (OK THIS IS JUST MEN BUT STILL); 65-80 per cent of people can roll their tongue; the majority keep their eggs in the press; most of us think it’s OK to pee in front of your other half but not poo; more people like pineapple on pizza than hate it; most people just let the water run over their feet; the average person owns seven pairs of jeans; somewhere around 90 per cent of people have innie bellybuttons; significantly more people fold the loo roll than crumple it; the vast majority of drivers rate their driving ability as above average; the average Irish person has slept with 8.5 other people.