Dublin: 13 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

16 photos that perfectly sum up being hungover at work

So you’ve done it again.

YOU GOT TOO excited and went out on the lash before the weekend started.

1. Your alarm screen looks something like this


2. Basically, you rise independent of your body

3. Who even is that?

4. You know you donā€™t look grand

5. And youā€™ll constantly surprise even yourself with how NOT GRAND you look

6. Nobody noticesā€¦

7. Except they do, and you hate them for it

8. Your day consists of drinking orange juice

9. And sitting on the loo pondering life and what you have become

10. Time slows down

11. But at least you made it to work at all

12. You start to feel hope, like you can get through this


13. Until lunch comes around

14. Lunch is a modest affair

15. Then you reach the point where you just stop caring

16. Because when that magical hour comes alongā€¦

How I felt leaving work today after going back from my 4 day weekend. #wrecked #tired #hungover #longweekend #work #itsover #itsdone Source: sar_bear91

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