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17 essential DOs and DON'Ts of the Ice Bucket Challenge

Here’s how to make yours as epic as possible.

THE VIRAL PHENOMENON that is the Ice Bucket Challenge started off in the US, and has now gone worldwide.

Everyday punters are doing it. International celebrities are doing it. Even Dáithí Ó Sé is doing it.

So we have prepared a thorough guide to how to make the most of it – and avoid the horrific consequences of doing it wrong.

(PS: The Ice Bucket Challenge is all to raise money for motor neurone disease – or ALS, as it’s known in the US. To donate €2 to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association now, text MND to 50300.)

Do: Wear a Super Mario costume and swig a massive bottle of Jameson, before nominating the US President and breaking the bucket with your head.

Source: John Deluca/YouTube

Don’t: Do it in a bikini top that is not, um, completely secure


Do: Get a friend to help you out. Ideally someone better than this guy.


Don’t: Try and do it by yourself, using an inflatable slide

Source: ctrupiano/YouTube

Do: Nominate people way more famous than you.

(Thanks Cristiano Ronaldo and your close pals Beyoncé, J-Lo and Lil Wayne.)

Source: Cristiano Ronaldo/YouTube

Don’t: Let your friends have anything to do with it, if these friends are anything to go by

Source: ChimpManSam/YouTube

Do: Use a giant JCB, and remain completely calm throughout.

Source: Ice Bucket Challenge/YouTube

Don’t: Call out about eight different people, then use a single cup instead of a bucket “because you’ve got a big head”

Source: Kige Ramsey/YouTube via Reddit

Do: Let the full extent of your terror show on your face, a la Rozanna Purcell

(Watch the full video here)

Don’t: Weasel out by sneakily chucking your bucket of water on the ground instead of over your head

(watch the girl in the white)

Do: Make it fit your personality. Like if you’re Lady Gaga, make it ARTY.

Source: WorldStarHipHop News/YouTube

And remain completely calm afterwards.

Don’t: Stand on a table at any point. Under any circumstances.

Source: roadrunner7800/YouTube

Do: Roar afterwards like a giant wounded animal

Source: Calvin Aurand/Vimeo

Don’t: Destroy any parts of your house or outbuildings


Do: Try it out on family members who have no idea what’s about to happen

Source: Allison Roberts/YouTube

Don’t: Electrocute yourself by forgetting to take off your headphones

Source: The Mark Kaye Show/YouTube

And finally, Do: Be Chris Pratt.

Source: JimmyStumblePants/YouTube

Again: to donate €2 to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association now, text MND to 50300.

More: Here are some of the best celebrity ice bucket challenges so far>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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