IPHONES COST A lot of money. People literally queue up during the night to get them. So what to do when you get your hands on one? Test its durability against a load of stuff, obviously.
1. Boiling water
“That’s just like instant death right there”. You are COOKING your phone.
2. Coca Cola
One word… WHY?
3. Hammer and knife
Ah stop.
4. A drill
It was never going to survive this one.
5. Liquid mercury
This is a Samsung Galaxy and there’s not a BOTHER on it.
6. A toilet
All of the facepalms.
7. Liquid nitrogen
This is less of a test, and more of a straight-forward method of destroying your phone.
8. Sodium hydroxide
Yes, it just gets worse and worse.
9. A blender
We had high hopes for this one. Can it survive?
In a word, no.