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18 ingenious cooking inventions you need in your kitchen immediately

Take every single scrap of our money.

COOKING AND THEN eating is just so hard sometimes. These clever utensils and appliances can make it all easier.

You’re welcome, world.

1. This innovative evolution of the simple ice-pop maker

Most efficient/amazing invention ever. Also, my childhood. - Imgur Source: Imgur

2. Who needs the wheel when you’ve got an instant pancake machine?

This is the coolest invention I've seen in person so far. - Imgur Source: Imgur

3. Never cook too much pasta again with the help of this measuring wheel

e739589cff7e963d8c382d122f752466 Source: Natalie Rogers

4. Or, if you could eat a horse, just go for it

ba01c747e6c94bbca3052d773d50462c_400x400 Source: Reykjavik Corner Store

5. JIF? Goodbye, sir

yA1roDC Source: Imgur


6. Take the proper steps to avoid the horror of only being left with a soggy middle slice

The greatest invention ever - Imgur Source: Imgur

7. Can’t resist a nibble? Use this piece of Godly equipment to keep the cake’s shape after a quick taste

d1e4be4ba3163c394df137aa13befa33 Source: Quirky

8. Never suffer from uneven herb distribution again

prod000860_lg Source: Cooksgarden

9. This counter-top solves all of your crappy chopping disposal needs

This invention needs more attention - Imgur Source: Imgur

10. Tong gloves, where have you been all our lives?

51kVM1Zd8TL Source: Amazon

11. The only utensil needed for those sad Koka dinners

cookhack1 Source: Pinterest

12. Oreo dippers, for those who like to keep their fingers out of the milk


13. The holy grail of multi-grain


14. No, we can’t. Breakfast perfection


15. Goodbye unsightly coffee rings


16. Turning a guilty pleasure in to ‘just good sense’

252b1eca303b34d03a41d9de9b318d4a Source: Pinterest

17. Corn, eh? It’s nice on the cob but you need it for a salad…



18. And finally, this board that weighs as you chop

tumblr_lowodtwJ4a1qk28yfo1_500 Source: transformdh

Take our money, great scholars. Take all of it


9 futuristic inventions we were promised but never got>

17 wonderful inventions to solve all your first world problems>

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